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December 2005

Gallatin County Weed Board
Regular Monthly Meeting
December 8, 2005

Board members present were Fred Bell, Chairman, Jeff Littlefield, Bob Hofman, Linda Vrooman and Craig Morgan. John Vincent was excused. Others present were Dennis Hengel (Weed District Coordinator), Josh Kellar (RC&D), Ron Carlstrom (Gallatin County Extension Agent), Per Hjalmarsson (C&H Engineering), Voss Bowman (Land Equity Partners) and Dennis Balian (Balian Properties).

The Minutes of the November meeting had been mailed to the Board and were approved.

The Claims were reviewed and approved as presented.


1.      Vehicle Undercarriage Wash Station – Unused Purdy Grant Funds. Hengel reported that there is a balance of $34,181 left in the Purdy WMA Grant.  The Dept. of Ag Noxious Weed Division has recommended using the funds to purchase an undercarriage vehicle wash station.  As a follow-up on the November meeting, Hengel reported that both Gallatin County and Sweet Grass County have ordered undercarriage wash stations. The purchase price for Gallatin County is $34,172.00. Bob Hofman asked about maintenance of the equipment. Hengel replied that the County Finance Officer had recommended a lease agreement to cover maintenance costs. Bell asked when we would take delivery.  Hengel informed him that the equipment should be ready in May. There was also discussion regarding training for operators from other agencies (FW&P, USFS etc) that would be using it. Linda Vrooman asked Hengel about those participants in the Purdy area who had planned to use Cost Share Funds in the Spring 2006. Hengel informed her that they would be able to participate in the regular cost share program.


1.      Public Comment/Other. Ron Carlstrom gave the Board an overview of four (4) grant applications that he has submitted to the NWTF. The Sixteenmile grant has expanded from the "After Fires Grant" in 2001 to cover over 368,000 acres in Gallatin, Broadwater, Meagher and Park Counties. The Lower Jefferson Valley Cooperative is expanding to include Gallatin, Jefferson, Broadwater and Madison counties and involving more landowners. The Gallatin/Big Sky Cooperative Weed Management Project is also expanding to include the Gallatin River/191 corridor to Four Corners. Tall Buttercup and Orange Hawkweed have been identified in Gallatin County and the Gallatin County Extension Service has submitted an application for a grant to map these two (2) new invaders. Rocky Mountain RC&D is the sponsor for these grants.
2.      Subdivision Reviews. Hengel had requested that representatives for 2 major subdivisions be present at the meeting. Per Hjalmarsson of C&H Engineering and Voss Bowman of Land Equity Partners represented the Gallatin Heights subdivision on Jackrabbit Lane. Hengel has spoken with Hjalmarssen regarding the farmed areas and the roadways, as this is a large project being developed in Phases. The Board was informed that the entire subdivision was going to be landscaped with sidewalks, curb and gutters. The phases not yet under construction will continue to be farmed. Hengel identified that there are scattered plants of Spotted knapweed, Houndstongue and Canada thistle. There are no major infestations. The park area will be developed with the construction of the subdivision so this will not be left to the homeowners association. Hengel recommended that the Board approve the WMP. Craig Morgan so moved, Bob Hofman seconded and the WMP for Gallatin Heights was approved.
Dennis Balian, the developer, and Per Hjalmarssen of C&H Engineering, represented Riverwood Village. This is a 223-lot subdivision being developed on East Cameron Bridge Road. The weed management is under contract to Gallatin Spraying Service. Hengel asked about the road system and was informed that the subdivision will be developed with sidewalks, curbs and gutters, and the areas around the 2 creeks that flow through the property set aside for open space. The whole subdivision will be developed in one phase. Hengel recommended to the Board that they approve the WMP as presented. Bob Hofman so moved, Linda Vrooman seconded and the motion carried.
Longview Major is a 22 Lot Major subdivision on Blackwood Road. Hengel has inspected the property and found no major weed problems and recommended to the Board that they approve the WMP as presented. Bob Hofman moved to approve the WMP for the Longview subdivision, Jeff Littlefield seconded and the Plan was approved.
Hengel approved Graden Minor on Jackrabbit Lane after an on-site inspection. Baldwin Minor consists of 2 developed lots on Rouse and Hengel has approved the WMP and MOU.
3.      Weed Summit. Josh Kellar (Rocky Mountain RC&D) gave a report on the Weed Summit. There was good representation from 20 different agencies that are working on noxious weed control in Gallatin County. Kellar passed around a report of Goals and Accomplishments that were discussed. Most agencies attending have the same issues: lack of funding and understaffing. Coordination and planned strategy will be the key to the success of the "War on Weeds". The main goal of the Summit is to put together a strategy that all agencies can utilize to develop an efficient use of resources. A major goal is to get a combined mapping data resource base established that would be accessible to all agencies. Hengel felt that another major issue is small acreage landowners.  The majority of noxious weeds in Gallatin County are found on small acreage lots.  Education and contacting small acreage landowners will be the key to managing noxious weeds in Gallatin County.  Kellar recommended that the Weed District approach the Conservation District regarding a partnership in this area. A suggestion was made that the Gallatin County Weed Board meetings could be used to coordinate with other agencies.
4.      Registrations for Annual MWCA Meeting. The Weed District will pay registration fees for Board members to attend this meeting in Helena in January.
5.      MT Outdoor Show. The 2006 Show will be in February. The Board will discuss set up and manning the booth at the January meeting.
6.      NWTF Educational Curriculum Grant. Missoula County has put together a grant proposal for the development of a K-12 school curriculum. They are asking other counties for a letter of support for the proposal and contributions of $200-$500 towards the project. They will hire a professional to write the curriculum. The project will end up as a statewide program. The grant is a two (2) year proposal. Hengel informed the Board that the payment could be taken from funds distributed by the legislature to all weed districts from MDT. Linda Vrooman moved to approve $300.00 from the MDT fund to go in support of the Missoula education project. Jeff Littlefield seconded and the motion carried.
7.      Meetings/Seminars.
§       Spanish Peaks Group. Hengel met with the developers and county planning. The developers will provide a WMP for the entire PUD development and each subdivision (phase) would need an individual MOU. The developers will have a draft to the Weed District by January 15th with the final to be reviewed by February 15th. The final decision will be made at the March meeting of the Weed Board.
§       Hengel reviewed a WMP with Sindelar at the office.
§       External Audit of County Departments. A representative from an external auditor reviewed department programs and money handling procedures.  The Weed District is in compliance.
§       Commission meeting – Budget. The budget adjustment for the Sixteenmile and Lower Jefferson Valley WMA was presented at a public meeting.
§       Weed Summit. Discussed earlier as a separate agenda item.

Hengel informed the Board that there was a problem with the furnace at the shop.  Bell recommended contacting Howards Heating.  Bell asked about the status of the new office/shop complex.  Hengel informed him that construction of the Weed District buildings has been put on hold by the County Commissioners due to lack of funding.

The meeting was adjourned at 3.00PM. The next meeting will be January 5th, 2006.

Respectfully submitted,

Rosemary Perry, Secretary.